Hacking the Homestead...Part Time
The unlikely story of how we transformed a 120-acre fallow parcel of land into a bustling regenerative farm with over 500 animals and hundreds of visitors...on top of our full-time jobs.
After encouragement from many of you, we are launching our podcast, Hacking the Homestead…Part Time! We released two new episodes today and will release one more tomorrow! After this week, we will settle into a cadence of one episode per week.
The podcast will start with two series. Our First-Year series will share the story of how we went from 0 to 500 animals, opened an on-farm market, built a greenhouse, recruited a school, created a fitness program, launched horse boarding, and built tiny homes and glamping sites…while balancing full time jobs. How did we do it? With lots of help from others, many of whom are guests on our podcast!
In addition to this First-Year series, we will start a Bi-Weekly Updates series that will share what we are doing on the farm in 2024! These episodes will be shorter but more detailed. If you want more of a story, you may want to start with the First-Year series. If you want more day-to-day details…and drama…you will really like the Bi-Weekly Updates. Of course, we hope you enjoy both!
Homesteading is not for those who demand perfection. It’s for those who can find joy in nature’s imperfection. This year has been a constant reminder of why farmers are so often deeply rooted in their Faith, Family, and Community. Behind a computer in an air-conditioned office with an ergonomic chair, it is easy to feel that Microsoft has allowed us to become fully independent, masters of our own fate. Knee-deep in mud, trying to bottle feed a dying calf in freezing temperatures quickly disavows one of these illusions of independence. Without God, it ain’t happening. Without Family and Friends, it ain’t worth doing.
Hosted by Joe Riley (our Tennesse-native Farm Owner) and Melissa Shepherd (our beloved British Farm Manager), this podcast is chock-full of hilarious mess-ups, unexpected victories, and everything in between. Come join our virtual community at Quail Run Farm, where it's often messy but always meaningful.
Find our podcast on Spotify! Even if you don’t have time to listen today, please follow/subscribe to stay up to date on new releases and help boost our Spotify!